- COMPANY || Zuberance
- CLIENTS || Various under Zuberance clientele
- PROJECT | Zuberance is a marketing company that focuses on getting advocate reviews, referrals & stories for brands and companies.
During my time at Zuberance I was mainly focused in establishing a final user/web flow for the design of advocates review sites, creating a main template that included an interchangeable area for the Story micro sites of different clients since this could be different from client to client, including being text only, having videos, images or a mix of the 3 - RESPONSIBILITIES || Wireframing, UX Design, Visual Design
- TOOLS || Sketch & Invision for prototyping
- COMMENTS || All designs were meant to be responsive with exceptions of micro-sites that were mobile only for certain clients.
For Zuberance clients, various things came into the responsibilities with each project.
Following the design guidelines from each company (GoDaddy, Neato Robotics, PetCube & Stratatech to name a few) we were to create marketing micro-sites that would engage customers into sharing their stories or reviews.
Before creating any wireframes for the micro-sites I initially worked on the user flow for the 3 different options for marketing that were offered by Zuberance, below we can find one of the three.
Once the flow we needed for each microsite was created, I started working on wireframes that had patterns which could later be swapped.
Below, wireframes for stories micro-sites with 3 options, 1st one in whole, last 2 only bottom exchangeable options
Depending on each individual client now Zuberance had the option to offer options (in this portfolio case) for the stories micro-sites since some customers wanted specific content (images, videos, or just text reviews)
In the following images below we can see how NursesRX & GoDaddy choose the same stories wireframe for their final design in one of their micro-site campaigns while maintaining each their brands design aesthetic
Conclusions Optimizing the wireframes and design patterns with exchangeable pieces for each microsite, in the long, made me more efficient when tackling any of the campaigns that we later created for many brands
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