- CLIENT || Marysabel Gainza
- PROJECT | Inventorium is my idea of integrating a tracking system of sales and inventory for grocery stores with donations for non-profits that can take all the liability of food donations from them.
- RESPONSIBILITIES || UX Design, UI Design, Development, Branding
- TOOLS || Illustrator, Photoshop, Text-Wrangler, HTML, CSS, Javascript
- COMMENTS || A very thorough project presenting all research, user personas, user testing, scope, design and development, being the latter the most challenging part. The project was originally designed to be available in mobile, tablet and desktop but was only developed for Desktop
- Live prototype at Inventorium
- Read the full documentation
Sketches & Initial Wireframes
Research, Scope & Branding
Final Design
I’ve been working on a visual redesign for this project, since it’s one of my favorites from problem ideation to the whole process, I’ll be adding a prototype soon, for now have a peek at the first screen
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